
Natural Beauty Belly Dance, a center for artistic belly dance in both traditional and innovative spheres, empowers and inspires dancers to train precisely, avoid injury, work creatively, and take ownership of their craft. Fostering “natural beauty,” the attractive and charismatic quality of confident authentic self-expression, classes equally promote creative vision, technical excellence, and personal style.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Downside to Authenticity

Authenticity is important because if you aren't true to yourself then you can’t be true to others. Plus, it’s more fun to be you. Unless you meet a girl who looks just like you and she’s a princess who’s tired of being rich and wants to switch places with you even though you’re a homeless vagrant who gets beaten every night.  Then I say go for switching places with the princess. Or better yet, kill the princess so you can take her place.
Full post contains profanity in the context of humor.  If you don't mind, read the full post here.