
Natural Beauty Belly Dance, a center for artistic belly dance in both traditional and innovative spheres, empowers and inspires dancers to train precisely, avoid injury, work creatively, and take ownership of their craft. Fostering “natural beauty,” the attractive and charismatic quality of confident authentic self-expression, classes equally promote creative vision, technical excellence, and personal style.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Anatomy of a Tear-Jerker Why does Adele's 'Someone Like You' make everyone cry? Science has found the formula

This article from the Wall Street Journal could equally well be titled "Science of Tarab."
If "Someone Like You" produces such intense sadness in listeners, why is it so popular? Last year, Robert Zatorre and his team of neuroscientists at McGill University reported that emotionally intense music releases dopamine in the pleasure and reward centers of the brain, similar to the effects of food, sex and drugs. This makes us feel good and motivates us to repeat the behavior.

Measuring listeners' responses, Dr. Zatorre's team found that the number of goose bumps observed correlated with the amount of dopamine released, even when the music was extremely sad. The results suggest that the more emotions a song provokes—whether depressing or uplifting—the more we crave the song.

Full article.